
Lost Poems

Since both Spoken War and Amphibius have been taken down, here are the poems that I had on them:

(from Spoken War)

Growing up feels really hard

Sand is hard if you think about it

I don’t like ‘life metaphors’

So I don’t know why I am writing this poem

I don’t understand

I’m going to jump into a swimming pool and swim to the bottom

and then float up to the top

and then keep floating out of the water and drop back onto the ground

and I’ll be sad because my clothes are wet

I will lay there and the sun will dry me out

and I will turn into sand

That’s what growing up is like

I’m going to roll around in sand and write a book about it

And the book will contain ‘life metaphors’

I will give the book to you as a present

You can hold it over your head like an umbrella

And sand will come out

The sand will be me

We will grow up together

Like some kind of ‘life metaphor'



Raven, The
(from Amphibius)

I feel uncomfortable
Read Walt Whitman
Patriot, maybe
I don’t know
Strands of grass
Trees of leaves
Fell asleep
‘I am going to kill you’
Hold on
Run up stair case
Trip over dead body
‘I am going to kill you now’
I feel tired
I can see myself
Wake up
Read Edgar Alan Poe
‘Deep in earth my love is lying’
Deep in earth are dinosaur fossils
‘And I must weep alone’
And dinosaurs are extinct